
Rebecca Lewis

Career Coach

Alcorn County School District

When Rebecca Lewis heard about the Career Coach position, she knew immediately that it was for her. “In high school, I was not one of those people who always knew what they wanted to do,” Rebecca explained. “I know I would have benefitted from meeting with a career coach.”

Rebecca’s goal is to use her position to connect students with high-paying jobs that don’t require years of higher education. “I have seen the great need for people in skilled trades,” Rebecca said. “I know that as a Career Coach I can help students obtain the training to fill these positions and earn a solid living for their families.”

Rebecca earned her bachelor’s degree in English education from Blue Mountain College and her master’s in English education from the University of North Alabama. She is a five-time STAR Teacher recipient and was named Alcorn County Teacher of the Year and Rotary Club Teacher of the Year in 2008. In her “spare time” she runs a small home décor business.

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